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What Makes a CMS-1500 or UB-04 Form Compliant ?

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Compliance is critical.  CMS-1500 & UB-04 Claim Forms adhere to strict printing standards that govern the layout, paper and ink.  Each must have accurate content and must conform to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These billing forms were developed in conjunction with all the governing agencies, including the National Uniform Claim Committee, the National Uniform Billing Committee, the CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Health and Human Services Agency and the American Hospital Association.  

Reduce billing errors with UB-04 Health Insurance Claim Forms...For use by hospitals and institutions. Designed for hospitals to file a medical claim with the patient's insurance carrier, Form UB-04 is printed with OCR "dropout" red ink on 20# paper. Available in both continuous and laser formats.

Satisfy record keeping requirements with CMS-1500 Health Insurance Claim Forms...For use by all medical facilities. Per federal regulations, all healthcare providers must use the CMS-1500 Form for specific types of billing. The CMS-1500 accommodates reporting of the National Provider Identifier, which must be used by all HIPAA-covered entities. Printed on OCR "dropout" red ink on 20# paper, as per government regulations. Available in continuous, laser, and snap-apart formats.

You can be confident our forms are up-to-date and in full compliance with the law.

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