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Federal Poster Change. MANDATORY for ALL Businesses!

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Federal Poster Change. MANDATORY for ALL Businesses!

On July 27, 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued regulations that require all U.S. employers to update federal postings to remain in compliance. Businesses must replace the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) postings immediately to meet the August 2016 compliance date.

FLSA poster — Added policies about mandatory breaks for nursing mothers and correctly classifying independent contractors, among other updates.
EPPA poster — Includes revised information pertaining to penalties and fines for not posting.

What does this mean for you?

All businesses with at least one employee must update these postings to stay compliant. It is important for you to act now to meet the August 2016 effective date.

For more information about this change and past labor law changes please contact us at:   admin@newmedicalforms.com

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Who must display these postings?
All private employers in the United States, regardless of employee size or industry, must display these postings.
What are the posting deadlines?
Both of these new postings must be displayed by August 1, 2016.
What are the penalties for not displaying the postings?
Penalties for failing to display federal postings will increase on August 1, 2016. Fines have more than doubled and potential fines are up to more  than $30,000. The EPPA posting fine alone is $19,787.
Why did these changes occur?
Congress recently passed a law requiring all federal agencies to adjust their civil penalties to account for inflation. The Department of Labor  adjusted postings penalties for the Fair Labor Standards Act and Employee Polygraph Protection Act postings.
What changed on the postings?
The FLSA poster was updated with information regarding breaks for nursing mothers. The poster was also updated to reflect changes made by the   Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act and with information regarding classification of independent contractors.
The EPPA poster was also updated to reflect changes made by the Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act. The poster now states that the Secretary of Labor may assess civil penalties against violators.
Where are postings supposed be displayed?
Federal postings must be displayed in conspicuous locations accessible to all employees, such as employee break rooms, entrance areas, lounges, and near time clock stations. Large facilities typically require multiple posting sites to ensure accessibility to all employees. Employers must take steps to ensure that such notices are not altered, defaced or covered by other material. Remember some of these federal posters also have to be viewed by applicants like the EEOC and EPPA postings.
Do the new postings have specific size or color requirements?